10 ways to have long-lasting effects after the Moon Goddess Festival
Feel the power of yourself, the moon and the power of the collective group of women…
Wear your Moonstone crystal bracelet and each time you brush against it or notice its presence on your wrist – feel the power of yourself, the moon, and the power of the collective group of women from last night breathing loving energy to you…then send it back out to them.
Laminate your intention card, put your special shell in the middle, and put it somewhere you see it often; your bedside table, toilet door (holding the shell with blue tack), your desk at work….then take the time to read it each day.
Download the Adele song Send My love, or Taylor Swift Shake it off or download your favorite song and practice dancing whilst allowing one body part to lead the dance!
Say your gratitude list each day for a week and really feel into the things you are grateful for saying “thank you thank you thank you” after each one and feeling the gratitude – watch for big changes in these areas.
Read over the affirmations on the back of the intention card, take a photo and make it your screen saver on your phone for a moon cycle.
On waking each morning for the next week charge your hands with love and energy and touch your body all over saying “I love you” – such a beautiful way to wake up!
Start to notice things you like all around you – What lights you up when you see/hear/smell/touch/feel?? Then do more of that!
Each time you notice the moon, tilt your face to it & feel it kissing you, take a big breath here, feel the loving energy returned to you from the moon…then wink at the moon & give a knowing smile from within.
Burn or throw away your list of things that no longer serve you, they were released last night and need to be let go of.
Be gentle and kind with yourself for the next few days, drinking plenty of water and taking the time to sit with this new connection and energy.
With oceans of love,
Nicci xx