Embrace Your Radiance with the Moon Goddess Haliya

This month, we are honoured to journey with the powerful and enigmatic Moon Goddess Haliya, the fierce protector of moonlight and a symbol of feminine strength and divine beauty. Worshipped in pre-colonial times throughout the Philippines, Haliya teaches us to embrace our inner radiance, reminding us that both our strength and vulnerability are sacred.

The Legend of Haliya:

Haliya’s story is one of courage, resilience, and protection. She is the warrior goddess tasked with defending the moon from the monstrous sea-serpent-dragon deity, Bakunawa. According to ancient Filipino legend, Bakunawa, a fearsome creature of the deep, would rise from the ocean depths, its enormous form coiling up to the heavens in an attempt to devour the moon. This act would plunge the world into darkness, causing what we now know as lunar eclipses.

In response, Haliya, the fierce guardian of the moon, would step in. Her power and magic were so strong that she could repel Bakunawa, ensuring that the moonlight returned to the earth. Priestesses, healers, and wise women would gather in sacred ritual during these times, calling upon Haliya’s strength by dancing and singing under the full moon. They believed that by invoking her, Haliya would protect them from the dark forces that threatened to consume the moon’s light.

Haliya and Bulan:

In addition to her role as the moon’s protector, Haliya and her brother Bulan, the God of the Moon, would visit the earth during full moons to bathe in the freshwater lakes of the Philippines. Their presence was so luminous and captivating that the very next day, Takay flowers would bloom from the muddy depths of the lake, turning the water’s surface into a field of bold pink blossoms. This sacred moment of beauty and radiance symbolised how even in the murkiest places, light and colour could arise.

Despite her undeniable beauty, Haliya wore a golden mask to shield herself from those who might be captivated by her face rather than her strength. This golden mask symbolises the layers of protection we wear, concealing our true beauty from the world out of fear or vulnerability. Haliya teaches us that while we may choose to protect ourselves, there comes a time when we must embrace our divine essence, remove the masks we wear, and allow our true beauty to radiate into the world.

The Goddess of Courage and Beauty:

Haliya’s story is one of empowerment. She urges us to confront the inner and outer dragons in our lives, to stand in our power, and to know that we are worthy of being seen and celebrated. By removing her mask, she teaches us that when we embrace who we truly are—both our strength and our beauty—we can stand tall and shine with authenticity. Her wisdom guides us to reclaim our divine light and encourages us to share it with the world.

This month, call upon Haliya to help you lower your barriers, embrace your inner goddess, and step into the light of your full beauty and strength.

An excerpt from the 2024 Moon Goddess Diary;

Haliya’s mantra: "I am learning to lower my barriers and embrace the beauty of who I am."

Her Gifts to You:

  • Crystals: Gold, moonstone, and amethyst

  • Totems: Takay and lotus flowers, for connecting you to the beauty of color and nature

  • Exercise: Qi-gong, yoga, or martial arts to stay strong and supple

  • Scents: Lotus flower, frangipani, ylang-ylang, and ginger for spice

With Haliya’s energy, learn to stand radiant and proud as the divine being you are, allowing your light to shine brightly for all to see this month.

With moonlight blessings,
Nicci Garaicoa xx


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Embrace the Magic of Hecate - October’s Goddess from the 2024 Moon Goddess Diary